Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is Near

I love love Christmas time. It's a fun time to get together with family and friends! I love the feeling Christmas brings;focusing on the savior, listening to Christmas music, and spending time together.

Christmas jams.

Got his bumbo early and he loves staring at everything.

Last week, and I had a Chirstmas get together with some girl friends, and then Jarin and Taci threw a party for the friends. We had a great time!!

My visiting teacher gave me a great article about Christmas being a time to celebrate babies, "We focus on Jesus around the holiday, but it's also about the baby;small, helpless and new. That first Christmas night, his hands had not yet healed the sick, raised the weary. His lips had not spoken to multitudes to teach about his father. His shoulders had not yet lifted the cross and his head had not worn thorns. On this night Jesus was a baby, wasn't yet mighty or great, he was sweet, innocent, pure and perfect. Most importantly he was full of the hope and promise of what he would become. That is what is great about this day is we get to remember the hope of perfect and powerless newborn wrapped in swaddling clothes. We all get to feel the hope of a newborn child, wondering what would become through perfect faith, working a little harder to become like that little child. "
This obviously affected me due to Driggs being in our family this year and having a different understanding of what's important.

We can not wait for Christmas Eve and Day to arrive!! We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Week.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanksgiving, and St. George

This Thanksgiving, we ate dinner at Jan's house(which was delicious as always)stopped by my Grandma Hart's, and then that night drove down to St. George.

My family, Grandma Ostler and Mindi, Danny and Whit came to St. George.
It was really fun to all hang out together.

Whitney and Driggs getting ready for bed. He always just stares at her. Loves her.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2 Month Pictures: Jenny did such a great job on his pictures. He looks so big and grown up, it makes me sad! He finally could wear his cute outfit Mindi and Megan bought him!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Freeze this moment..

Driggs is now 2 1/2 months, and I can not believe it. He is the best baby so we could freeze this moment and I would be fine forever! He has started to smile and that makes my day, everyday. He is hilarious, smiles the most when being talked or sung to and we start going really fast. Loves it! He is a great sleeper for me, usually sleeps from 11:00pm to 7:30am straight. We love him and are so thankful for him in our family!!!
Weight: 9lbs 15oz 20%
Height: 22 inches 25%

Gabi and I attempted a "photo shoot" (really Jenny took his real 2 month photos, can't wait for them!!!!) My dad set up his own "set" and it was so funny! So Grandpa Scott!

Love the smiles

We see Whit quite a bit, and she is so good with Driggs. Loves to help feed him his bottle, always thinks he is ready to eat! She can hold him, bounce him (sometimes it's like a rollercoaster) and is so cute with him. I am glad we have so many friends around us to play with and keep us sane.

We also went to Primarys for a follow up on his surgery, and it looks like his kidneys are decreasing in size, so that's great! We don't need to go back until he is five months, so we are just grateful everything is looking great.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Driggs first Halloween. It was fun, we went to Jan's for dinner. All the cousins looked adorable! We then went over to my parents to make caramel apples. It was a fun night, and Driggs was such a cute monkey~

Driggs and Whit~ Driggs and Bridger

All the Gleason cousins

Can't wait until next year when Driggs can trick or treat!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Driggs Blessing

We blessed Driggs Oct. 11th. It was such a special day. He was so good and Rob gave such a great blessing. We are so grateful to have so many great family and friends that supported us, thanks everyone for the help.

Driggs is so lucky to have such great grandmas

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One month already

I can't believe that Driggs is already a month old. It has gone by so fast. It has been such a fun, great experience. We love him so much, and he has been such a blessing in out lives.

I love how little he looks in his car seat

Bath time. Driggs loves his baths, he such sits there in heaven.

Me and Driggs up at brighton. 2 weeks old

My friends from hair school and I all have babies within 2 months of eachother. Lisa finally had Roman on Wed so we got a picture of them all together today.

Alyssa:9 weeks
Driggs:4 1/2weeks
Lily: 1 1/2 weeks
Roman: 1 week tomorrow
This month has been a journey, and I am so excited for all the time we have ahead of us as a family.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two Weeks and First Hospital Visit

When I was about 32 weeks pregnant I recieved an ultrasound and they noticed that Driggs' kidneys were holding extra fluid. They kept an eye on the fluid and measured it about every two-three weeks. Last friday we went up to Primarys for an ultrasound to see how the fluid volume had changed. They did the ultrasound, and then wanted us to do a x-ray. Luckily my mom had work off and was able to go with me. We waited around, then a couple hours later received the x-ray. They saw that he had "Posterior Urethral Valves" which means he had little flaps of skin in his Urethra that did not allow enough pressure when he urinated, so the urine would back up into the kidneys. They made us wait around for a couple hours, and we did not know what was going on. They finally told us they were doing the surgery that day, so I called Rob and he headed right up. They took a tiny scope up his urethra and cut the tiny valves. He had to stay overnight, but he did not good. He was such an angel all day. We are so lucky they found this while he was so little, because mostly they don't find out until kids get very sick, and by then their kidney function is very poor. Everything should be great, we just have to go back and get ultrasounds to make sure his kidneys are draining.

Waiting at the hospital! So patient! I love the little gowns.

in the waiting room. Driggs is so lucky to have so many people that love him. We were where Jenny works, so it was nice to have her there.

After the surgery. He slept so much from the medicine. He was a trooper.
We love him so much and are so happy that everything is doing okay.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Driggs Scott Gleason

Born 9/4/09
5 Pounds 15 Ounces 18 inches

He came a month early, out of no where. I just started feeling crampy, so we went in and they said I was having contractions.Everything went so good, and it was a lot easier than I expected!! He is healthy and has been so much fun to have with us finally! We love him so much and I can not believe how special he is to me.

It is so much fun watching Rob interact with him. He is such a help and has been so in love with him.

Driggs with his grandmas!

Grandpa and Aunt Gabi!!

Driggs and Logan (2 1/2 months) he looks so tiny!

Thanks so much Mindi and Megan for your support and help!

Thanks so much to everyone who has visited us, helped us and just been there for us. We love all of you!