When I was about 32 weeks pregnant I recieved an ultrasound and they noticed that Driggs' kidneys were holding extra fluid. They kept an eye on the fluid and measured it about every two-three weeks. Last friday we went up to Primarys for an ultrasound to see how the fluid volume had changed. They did the ultrasound, and then wanted us to do a x-ray. Luckily my mom had work off and was able to go with me. We waited around, then a couple hours later received the x-ray. They saw that he had "Posterior Urethral Valves" which means he had little flaps of skin in his Urethra that did not allow enough pressure when he urinated, so the urine would back up into the kidneys. They made us wait around for a couple hours, and we did not know what was going on. They finally told us they were doing the surgery that day, so I called Rob and he headed right up. They took a tiny scope up his urethra and cut the tiny valves. He had to stay overnight, but he did not good. He was such an angel all day. We are so lucky they found this while he was so little, because mostly they don't find out until kids get very sick, and by then their kidney function is very poor. Everything should be great, we just have to go back and get ultrasounds to make sure his kidneys are draining.

Waiting at the hospital! So patient! I love the little gowns.

in the waiting room. Driggs is so lucky to have so many people that love him. We were where Jenny works, so it was nice to have her there.

After the surgery. He slept so much from the medicine. He was a trooper.
We love him so much and are so happy that everything is doing okay.
Oh ali poor little guy it sounds like he was a trooper though. I am glad that he is doing good. He is so cute. I need to come and see him again.
oh how sad, i am glad everything went well though. he is so sweet, its crazy how fast the newborn stage goes. Hey i am glad i found your blog too!
oh my gosh! I feel so bad! I had no idea that all of that was going on. Poor little guy! Good thing your Mom was there!! let me know if you guys need anything.
oh my goodness! Poor little guy, sounds like he did great though! And I love that tiny gown!! He is so adorable, I wanna see him again! Oh and who took that darling picture at the top of your page?
Oh cute little Driggs! I saw Jenny's pictures she took of Driggs on Facebook. She did such a good job. They are so cute! Also, I like the new pictures you put on your blog! Very cute!
What a tough little guy. That had to have been hard. I'm glad he is OK.
I love the gown! I'm sure you guys are glad thats over! those dang kindney propblems are the worst, I can't imagine having something like that happen to a baby! Hang in there and remember I'm here if you need anything!
I'm so glad everything went so smoothly for him that day! He was a little champ, and all my co-workers thought he was the cutest! He is such a cute little baby!
We just got your cute announcement in the mail today...We didn't know you had had the baby. Funny thing was, I was thinking about you just the other day thinking she must be due pretty soon! Anyway, he is darling. So sorry to hear about the unexpected surgery...I can't imagine that kind of stress after just having your little one. Glad things are well though...Glad I can keep up with him on your blog!
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